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2024-07-05 10:40:57 来源:财经智囊 作者:热词 点击:445次

Decider Suggested the Fed's Rate Hike Cycle is Nearing the End, US Dollar Touching Three-Week Low

Recently, there is a suggestion from a decider that the Federal Reserve's rate hike cycle is approaching its end. This Idea becomes the hot topic of discussion throughout the financial community as it could potentially impact the US economy and the global financial market. This announcement is made after a series of rate hikes by the Federal Reserve in the past few years, which aimed to control the inflation and stabilize the US economic growth.

The Current State of the Fed's Rate Hike Cycle

The Federal Reserve has gradually increased its interest rates since 2015, aiming to keep the balance in the economy amid a period of modest growth, low inflation, and a labor market that has been performing consistently. The Fed hiked rates four times in 2018, which led the borrowing cost to reach the range of 2.25% to 2.5%.

However, recently, the decider suggested that this cycle could be coming to an end soon. This decision is based on the current state of the US economy, which is performing quite well and doesn't seem to require any additional rate increase for the time being.

Impact of Ending the Rate Hike Cycle on the US and Global Economy

The suggestion of ending the interest rate hike cycle by the Federal Reserve could have significant implications for the global economic market as well. A halt in rate increases would mean that the US dollar will not appreciate any further, potentially weakening the currency's value.

Furthermore, if the US dollar depreciates, it creates a ripple effect throughout the global market, especially for countries that have dollar-denominated debts, which will become more expensive to repay. This scenario could lead to a potential global credit crunch and could destabilize the worldwide financial system.

The Current State of the US Dollar

Since the announcement, the US dollar has touched its three-week low against other major currencies. This could mean that investors are anticipating that the Federal Reserve will pause their interest rate hike process. Moreover, a weaker US dollar could lead to a boost in US exports, which could help sustain the US economic growth.

However, a weaker dollar could potentially prompt an increase in inflation, which could lead to the Federal Reserve initiating a new cycle of interest rate hikes to keep inflation in check.


The suggestion of ending the interest rate hike cycle by the Federal Reserve could have a potential impact on the global financial market and the US economy. The current state of the US economy seems to be performing well and may not require additional rate hikes for the time being. However, a halt in rate increases could lead to a weaker dollar, which could have both positive and negative effects on the US economy and global financial system.
